Become a craveABLEs team member

Show the world what you CAN do!

  • Instructional Lead

    Professionals with experience in the special needs and or education field. You will oversee and provide instructional support for all employees.

  • Support Staff

    Both experienced adults or young adults seeking experience and interests in the special needs and or education field. You will provide support for employee needs.

  • ABLE Employee

    Individuals with intellectual disabilities who have exited the school system. All employees will be paid minimum wage or more! Jobs will range from: greeter, cashier, food prep, table bussing, custodial work, restocking, inventory, apparel, prepping membership bags, fulfilling catering orders, etc. Opportunities to grow skills in the areas of: social, communication, finance, fine motor skills, self-advocacy, time management, independent living skills, and so much more.

  • Internships

    Support Interns: students seeking CSER, field experience, or other community service hours.

    ABLE interns: Individuals with intellectual disabilities who may still be enrolled in high school or have exited- needing to gain workplace readiness skills.

  • Volunteers

    Available for individuals who feel they would like to volunteer a portion of their time to help the needs of CraveABLEs; specifically bigger events or fundraising opportunities.

At this time, all positions have been filled. However please fill out this form so we can make sure to reach out to YOU when more positions become available!